The “Kriminologisches Journal” (KrimJ) is a quarterly scientific journal which is published by Beltz-Juventa. The journal features original scientific articles, discussion papers, practice and research reports on criminological theory and practice in German and English language. The thematic focus is on critical approaches to the structures and measures of social control bodies. All manuscripts undergo selective editorial and peer-review assessment prior to acceptance for publication. The peer-review process is strictly anonymous.
The “Kriminologisches Journal” is available both in print and online. Single issues and subscriptions are available at Beltz Juventa.
Issue 4/2023
Special Issue "Methods of critical criminological research"
Editorial to the special issue
Dörte Negnal & Nadine Jukschat
Full Paper
Rassismuskritische Perspektiven in der kriminologischen Forschung (German)
Critical perspectives on racism in criminological research
Laila Abdul-Rahman
Understanding racism as a structure of society ensuring the status quo and therefore looking at institutional processes and power relations is not a new objective in criminological research. Drawing on key assumptions of research on racism, postcolonial, Black feminist as well as intersectional theories, the current paper examines how a critical perspective on racism might be realised in practice. Risks of reification and essentialization are particularly discussed. Thereby the focus lies on the perspective of people experiencing racism and emphasizes the need of reflexivity in research. Finally, key points for such a critical research perspective are derived.
Situiertes Wissen, kritische Begegnungen und die Grenzen von Care. Methodologische Herausforderungen der Koproduktion von Wissen über Migration mit der Polizei (German)
Situated knowledge, critical encounters and the limits of care. Methodological challenges in co-producing knowledge on migration
Philipp Schäfer
Critical studies of the migration-police-knowledge nexus have so far paid little attention to the police as producers of scientific knowledge, focusing mostly on the operational aspects of policing, but less on the reflexive negotiations in which the co-production of police knowledge on migration is embedded. Drawing on insights from feminist science and technology studies (Puig de la Bellacasa 2012) and reflexive migration studies (Bartels et al. forthcoming; Dahinden 2016), the paper argues that critique in collaborative knowledge formats requires care. Using the example of a teaching project with police and migration studies students, I show that this imposes a double reflexivity on the participants of such formats that requires them to question both the knowledge production of others as well as their own assumptions and knowledge practices.
Situationsanalytik und Kritische Kriminologie. Mittels der method(olog)ischen Entgrenzung ethnografischer Forschungsdesigns Komplexitäten adressieren (German)
Situational Analysis and Critical Criminology. Addressing complexities through the method(olog)ic delimitation of ethnographic research designs
Lorenz Gottwalles
Clarke’s situational analysis enables a methodological delimitation of qualitative research designs by combining multiple research perspectives. In accordance with the observation “action is not enough”, Clarke et al. (2018: 13) suggest using the visual strategy of mapping to examine non-human, formative elements such as discourses, narratives, actants, etc. of the research situation in their relationality and to analysing discursive positions apart from ‘knowing subjects’. This paper will highlight potentials of this method(olog)ic approach for (critical) criminology as well as concrete suggestions for integrating it into research designs, especially for those researchers who see themselves as being in search of the socially ‘other’ or rather its constitution, disciplining, and repression.
Workshop reports
Kritisch-kriminologische Lehre in der Praxis: Anregungen aus dem Kurs „Kritische Radikalisierungsforschung“ (German)
Critical Criminological Teaching in Practice: Suggestions from the Course “Critical Radicalization Research”
Katharina Leimbach
This text is a report from a course that taught critical-criminological thinking in relation to radicalization. As the lecturer of the course, I briefly introduce the background of the text and present the process of the seminar. Afterwards, some of the course participants present what worked well for them in the context of critical-criminological teaching and what they need in order to stimulate critical thinking processes. No specific concept of critique was used, but the meaning of a critical research attitude was worked out together in the course. We understood this in particular along the lines of reflection on one’s own situational determination, constant questioning of processes of knowledge production, transparency in relation to one’s own approach and moments of failure, as well as the development of alternative descriptions/readings in relation to the researched object.
Book reviews
Kai E. Schubert: Gesellschaftliche Spaltungstendenzen als Herausforderung. Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis zeitgemäßer politischer Bildung für die und in der Polizei. (Linda Giesel)
Benjamin Derin, Tobias Singelnstein: Die Polizei: Helfer, Gegner, Staatsgewalt. Inspektion einer mächtigen Organisation. (Martin Thüne)
Conference Report
Bericht zum Kriminologischen Sommerfest
Doreen Muhl & Dörte Negnal
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