The “Kriminologisches Journal” (KrimJ) is a quarterly scientific journal which is published by Beltz-Juventa. The journal features original scientific articles, discussion papers, practice and research reports on criminological theory and practice in German and English language. The thematic focus is on critical approaches to the structures and measures of social control bodies. All manuscripts undergo selective editorial and peer-review assessment prior to acceptance for publication. The peer-review process is strictly anonymous.
The “Kriminologisches Journal” is available both in print and online. Single issues and subscriptions are available at Beltz Juventa.
Issue 1/2018
Issue 1/2018: 50 Years Kriminologisches Journal and special topic "Hamburg 2017 G20 summit"
Editorial: 50 Years KrimJ (German)
The Board of Editors of the Kriminologisches Journal
Special Contributions in celebration of 50 years Kriminologisches Journal
Etikettierung. Ein Notat (German)
Helga Cremer-Schäfer
The paper describes the history of the application of the labelling approach in critical criminology and shows the strength of this scientific program for the study of criminologically relevant topics, problems and questions in the past, present and future.
Racial Profiling (German)
Bernd Belina & Svenja Keitzel
Like no other field of science critical criminology is predestined to analyze and criticize racial profiling. This paper identifies three blank spots in science that should be tackled by critical criminology: To empirically detect racial profiling; to make use us social theory to show changes in systematic criminalization; to achieve this with and from the perspective of the affected.
Das Schweigen der Kritischen Kriminologie (German)
The silence of critical criminology
Daniela Klimke & Rüdiger Lautmann
Since the 1990s three different trends ramp up the German debate about sexual violence: the prevalence of distinctive risk discourses, the everlasting entertainment factor of scandalizations, and a growing social orientation towards the victims of crime or (perceived) deviant actions. More and more sexual behaviors are identified as problematic and vocally discussed in the public and in tabloids as well as in the so called ‘quality media’. Therefore, politicians and law-makers constantly tighten the regulations and laws concerning sexual offences. A development to which Critical Criminology has remained irritatingly silent. The paper tries to identify the reasons of this critical silence.
Special topic: "2017 G20 Hamburg summit"
Policing der NoG20-Proteste in Hamburg im Juli 2017. Ergebnisse einer strukturierten Demonstrationsbeobachtung (German)
Policing of the NoG20-Protests in Hamburg in July 2017. Results of a structured protest observation
Daniela Hunold, Philipp Knopp, Stephanie Schmidt, Roman Thurn & Peter Ullrich
In this article, the results of a structured observation on how the police dealt with the protests at the G20 summit in Hamburg will be presented and discussed with reference to relevant findings on protest policing and the conditions of the local conflict history.
Die Hamburger Linie. Der G20-Gipfel in Hamburg aus rechtsstaatlicher Perspektive - ein Kommentar (German)
The "Hamburger Linie". The 2017 Hamburg G20 summit and the rule of law - a comment.
Moritz Assall
This paper comments the events during the 2017 G20 summit in Hamburg out of a legal policy perspective. It focusses on the juridical and practical conflicts around the planned protest camps as well as on the political and juridical role of the police during this conflict. The rule of law with its precarious concept of check and balances proved to be surprisingly weak and dependent on a missing political consensus
Zielkonflikte, "Kontrollverluste", Verselbständigung. Einige Anmerkungen zum Polizeieinsatz beim G20-Gipfel in Hamburg (German)
Conflicting targets, loss of control, increasing autonomy. Comments on the policing of the 2017 G20 Hamburg summit
Peer Stolle
This paper analyzes the policing of the 2017 G20 summit in Hamburg from a rule of law-perspective. Based on conflicting targets dictated by local and national politics the ensuing loss of control in the city could have been expected.
Von 1984 zu G20 in Hamburg? Eskalationsdynamiken und das Polizieren von Protest - Ein Gespräch mit Fritz Sack (German)
From 1984 to G20 in Hamburg? Dynamics of escalation and the policing of protest - An Interview with Fritz Sack
Fritz Sack & Dirk Lampe
In 1984 Fritz Sack and Heinz Steinert published their groundbreaking work ‘Protest und Reaktion’. Untill today it remains one of the most important analyzes of protest, resistance and demonstrations in German critical criminology. On the occasion of the 50th volume of the Kriminologisches Journal Dirk Lampe met with Fritz Sack for a discussion about violent protests, escalating police operations, and the socio-political background of the events during the 2017 G20 summit in Hamburg.